Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

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Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

Value of the Month: Hope is the value for October

  1. Children's Pages
  2. Amber Class 2021-22

Amber Class 2021-22

Class Team:

Please click on the links below for further information about Amber Class:


Curriculum Info


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We made crowns to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee!


This week, we got to plan and make our own figures inspired by Miro. We used rolling, pinching, squashing and cutting to form shapes and then joined them . We had to think about how to make our figures strong enough to stand up.

I think they are all amazing! And there was even a sculpture of me giving a double air five - OOOOSH! 

We have continued our learning about sculpture by exploring clay. We looked at sculptures by Miro and made a small figure. When we had finished we thought it looked like a small version of Anthony Gormley's 'Field'.

Soon we will get to design our own figures to make out of clay.

This term Amber Class are learning about sculpture. We have learnt that sculptures can be made out of just about anything!

We have looked at the artist Alexander Calder and made our own mobiles using bamboo, wire and organic shapes cut out of paper.

World book day - Miss dickson's marvellous medicine!

In English we have been reading George's Marvellous Medicine, so as part of World Book Day, we measured ingredients to make Miss Dickson's Marvellous Medicine!

Rabbi Jeff

We had a visit from Rabbi Jeff to help us learn more about Judaism. We learnt a lot about different artefacts. Did you know that the Torah has around 300,000 word in it and they're all written by hand by one person?! Did you know that the tefflin boxes are made of cow hide (thick cow skin)?!

Rabbi Jeff showed us the prayer shawl and tefflin and he played the ram's horn too - it was quite loud!

van gogh inspired artwork

Amber Class have been learning about Van Gogh. We have been using bold lines with different lengths and directions to create pictures with energy. We have been practising drawing and observing shape and size. We have also thought carefully about the colours we can see. 

Learning about Judaism

Amber Class have begun learning about Judaism. Mrs Borritt had got artefacts from Judaism and Christianity but they had got jumbled in her bag, so we helped her sort them out. We learnt the names of different artefacts and which religion they belong to. We were confused by The Old Testament, but we found out that it belongs to both religions!

Stockwood park visit

In History, Amber Class are learning about travel and transport. We have been learning about the first trains, bikes and cars. We visited Stockwood Discovery Centre to see old carriages, bikes and cars. We saw the first bikes that didn't have pedals, penny farthings and lots of different carriages and carts.

What a start to the the half term

This week we began learning about the story Hansel and Gretel. We began by building a sweet house in our role play area. The walls are made of pink wafers and the roof is made of gingerbread tiles. We made sweets to decroate it with. Inside it is dark and scary, with an oven to push the old lady into! We also went for a walk to the woods to imagine how Hansel and Gretel felt and what they would have seen - Mrs Guy left us in the woods

Not only that, but we also had a visit from the fire service! They tested us on our knowledge of the Great Fire of London and we really impressed them with our answers! We then got to see all of the equipment that they use today to help people and we even got to have a go using the hose!

What an end to the half term!

Well what a week we have had so far!

We started the week by learning about recycling. We sorted pictures into different bins to think about how they can be recyced. We discovered that some things can be reused if we are just a bit creative! We thought of some great ideas for how to reuse things that would normally be thrown away. We also created some of our own recycled paper!

For the rest of this week we have been making bread and evaluating it against: how easy it is to make; how good it looks; and how good it tastes. We've also been finding out where our food comes from; what the difference is between fruits and vegetables; and why some foods have to be grown in other countries.

Today we cooked bread over a campfire! It was hard to keep it at the right temperature so some of them got a bit burnt, but we still thought it was amazing! (And not only that: we linked it to our learning on the Great Fire of London!)

The TIn forest

This week Amber Class have been thinking about the story The Tin Forest.  We thought about how the man might feel when he was living amongst all the rubbish. We thought about using powerful words and how to make sentences more interesting than just 'He was sad.'

We built a 'tin forest' of our own in the classroom - it looks awesome! We made leaves and flowers out of rubbish and then got to screw them onto the tree trunks that are made out of carpet tubes.

Noah's ark 

Check out all the awesome animals in our Noah's ark display! What a great job you guys all did at home!

Also, see how our tin tree has grown!

Tin forest

Today, Amber Class planted a range of seedlings in the tins that you have sent in. We discussed what plants need to grow and we also planted some lettuce seeds to see if we can grow our own salad - what a nutrious week we're having!

Later in the term, we'll be learning about a story called 'The Tin Forest' and we've started building our own one in class. Feel free to send in more tins and we can make our tin tree grow!

Who's been eating MY porridge!

Amber Class have been learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have been thinking about instructions. We followed instructions to make some porridge - and we even got to eat it!