Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

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Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

Value of the Month: Hope is the value for October

  1. Children's Pages
  2. Sapphire Class 2023-24

Sapphire Class 2023-24


Please click on the links below for further information about Sapphire Class:

Curriculum Info


K'NEX challenge 2024

This year's K'NEX challenge was to build a bulldozer capable of flattening earth for a new building. We designed our bulldozer and then created them. We then had time to add in additional features and make our models look good. 

Air Raid Shelters

During our WW2 topic, we designed air raid shelters. We had to consider the best materials to use to keep the people inside protected. We then role played what it would have been like to hear the air raid sirens and get into the shelters. 

Greek Vases

We have been creating our own Greek Vases in art this term. We used papier-mâché to create the shape and then added handles and a base. We used string to create patterns and texture and then painted our designs onto our vases. We learnt that Greek vases often showed myths and legends or athletics. In English, we have been writing our own Greek myths and have used these as inspiration for our designs. 

A much brighter day. We started the day with games in the maze. We then all conquered our fears on the abseiling wall. Be it going and standing on the edge to making it to the bottom, we are all proud of everything you achieved. We then finished the afternoon by doing archery. A very busy day and we’ll be home soon. 

A very wet but busy Wednesday. We started with a team activity following the night line. We then moved onto climbing. We had a little free time, followed by canoeing in the rain. After dinner, burger night, we had a movie night. 

Today, we got to try the adventure play area, then built a raft, which floated. Some of us then had a dip in the Nene. In the afternoon, we conquered our fears on the high ropes and leap of faith. After dinner, we had a camp fire. 

Arrived and settling in. We are all very excited. Mr Philby has already had to relocate two spiders. 

A very muddy first afternoon. 


Summer Term

What an amazing performance that was. Our Musical Mystery Tour was a night that we will all treasure for a long time. Thank you to all the children for being so amazing and to Mrs Johnson for the wonderful music and teaching so many exceptional solos, duets and trios. Thanks has to also go to Mrs Pritchard who directed a great dramatic performance. Well done everyone.

The year 6 leavers were very lucky to spend the day at Wicksteed Park with Mrs Pritchard and Mr Philby and I know they all had a great time.

This half term we were incredibly lucky to have Caz come in from Herts Music Service to teach Sapphire Class some Djembe drumming. We then performed for the whole school on the penultimate week of term. Well done Sapphire class and thank you Caz.

We went on a fantastic end of year trip to MK Gallery and Climbquest.

Spring Term

We were so lucky to have a second engineering workshop using KNEX. We were designing and creating a crane to move a skip made of KNEX.

This half term in Design and Technology we have been looking at Cookery. We're sure you've heard all about it. We have made guacamole, taste tested different dips, made our own tortillas, planned our ideal, healthy, balanced fajita and then cooked them. Most of the children thought it was the best DT topic ever!

The outfits the children wore for World Book Day were amazing. Thank you all for helping to make the day so special for the children.

The Sea Scouts came into school to give us the opportunity to take part in a marine engineering challenge. It was a great experience and hopefully encouraged some of our students to consider engineering as a potential career. 

We were very lucky to have an animal experience day where we could get up close with some animals and learn lots of new facts about them. We met Severus the snake, Charmander the bearded dragon, Charlotte the tarantula, Amy the fennec fox and Gru the little owl. See the photos of us all below.

In Art and DT we were using clay to make different types of items that might have been used in Mayan times, linking with our topic work. Here are the items we made.

We hope you enjoyed our assembly showing off everything we had been learning that half term. Here are a few photos to enjoy. 

Autumn Term 

We were so pleased that Sapphire class led our Christmas service at St Francis Church on the last day of term. The children spoke clearly, sang beautifully and we are so proud of how they rose to the challenge. Apologies that we couldn't get photos of everyone but here are a few from the service.

We all enjoyed our Christmas lunch together.

During the last week of term we created Christingles as part of our RE learning.

Throughout the Autumn term we designed and created our own Cam toys. It involved lots of different skills including measuring, sawing, drilling and drawing. We finally got these finished at the end of term and you can see photos of them below.

As part of our Creation week we went on a walk to explore how we felt in Creation. It was a beautiful afternoon and you can see the photos below.

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a week of bikeability lessons and even though one child couldn't complete the course he became a teacher to help other children improve their cycling. Take a look at them starting their rides.

In Science we have been exploring water resistance. We tried to use our knowledge to create boats that would have low water resistance and so move easily through the water. Take a look at some of our designs.