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Cockernhoe Endowed CofE Primary School

Value of the Month: Trust is the value for March

  1. Children's Pages
  2. Home Learning
  3. Ruby

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Week Beginning: 13/7/20

Hi Ruby Class. It has been a pleasure working with you all throughout the lock down period and the rest of this term. I am incredibly proud of your hard work and your positive attitude towards your learning. Thank-you to all the parents for being so supportive at home. In my eyes you are ALL champions !! Keep reading daily (including phonics sounds and tricky words ) and writing short sentences.   Ms Parsons

I wish you all the best in year one. Go Ruby!!


Fine Motor:

  • Make a beautiful collage scene of flowers and minibeasts OR create a picture using different materials of your favourite minibeast. 


Gross Motor:



  • Review all of the  phase 2, 3 and 4 tricky words
  • Practise reading the following  words.( segment and blendroast, milk, bump, tent, lump, jump, rocket, pocket, hammer, finger
  • Practise phase 3 'er' words  with The Dragon's Den 
  • Remember to clap the 2 syllables first and then segment the word before blending.

Read and draw the following sentences:

We put the tent next to the pond.

He puts the milk in the sink.

My fish and chips are on the dish.

You bow down to the king and queen.

  • Practise daily reading with a grown up. (20 mins)

Book of the Week: The Cautious Caterpillar ( made by Twinkl)

Points to discuss:

  • Discuss how Cody feels throughout the story.
  • What was Cody worried about?
  • How did she overcome her worries?
  • How did she feel at the end of the story?
  • How do you feel about change and moving up to year one? Describe your feelings.


  • Read: stop, step, skip, trip
  • Play buried treasure ( phase 4)
  • Can I plan a trip to the moon ? Can you grab the green frog for me?
  • Read and draw Will a clown put on a green wig ?
  • Read tricky words: here like, some, come

Writing: Monday/Tuesday/Friday

  • Complete the attached sheet on 'Spreading my Wings from Reception to year 1.
  • Draw a picture of something you enjoyed learning about in Reception. Write 1-2 sentences to describe your picture.( Example: I liked making clay faces at Forest school.)
  • Write a sentence with the words. milk, rocket, jump, sent, chest

Maths: Monday/Tuesday/Friday

  • Review heavy and light. Make a chart with Heavy and light. look around your home and find items to compare. Write and draw a picture of each item. Example: Compare a pencil with a rubber. Which one is heavier?
  • Practise with attached worksheet to sort heavier and lighter items.
  • Check white rose for this week's activities 13/7/20


 Capacity: Children have grasped the idea of half full, nearly full and empty.

  • Encourage chn to make direct comparison by pouring one container into another
  • Providie different size containers and ask children to investigate which one holds the most.
  • Measure with a small cup and count how many small cup fulls it takes to fill the container.
  • Measure with beads and cubes. How many fill a jar or a bowl?
  • Record the results(optional)

Topic: How things change/minibeasts

  • Make a book showing the 4 stages of a caterpillar to a butterfly. Write a caption for each stage.
  • Find out more from this clip
  • Watch the clip on time lapse
  • Can you retell the story of The Cautious Caterpillar by cutting out the stick puppets and using them as props?(see attached)
  • Can you remember some of the other minibeasts in the story? Can you make a fact file about your favourite minibeast?
  • What mini-beasts can you spot outside? How many different kinds?
  • Why not try and make some special Cody Caterpillar cup cakes. ( see recipe above)

Week Beginning : 6/7/20

Fine Motor (suggestions)

  • Draw and cut out a squiggly worm or a snake. Put paper clips around the worm
  • Practise placing coins into a money box or make your own money box with a jar to place money in.
  • Practice cutting holes with a hole punch using construction paper.

Gross Motor (suggestions)


A lost chimp felt so sad he wept.   

I think that pink socks might be the best.

Can you jump and sing?

  • Practise daily guided reading (20 mins)

Book of the week: Class Three All At Sea by Julia Jarman and Lynee Chapman

   Class Three All At Sea

Points of Discussion:

  • Can you mention some of the words that rhyme in this story?
  • If you could make friends with the Octopus what adventures do you think you might have?
  • Who is your favourite pirate character in this story and why?
  • What is it that class three didn't see on the trip?


  • Tricky words to read, me, she, be, we, said

  • Segment and blend the following words help, just chimp, roast, nest, pond milk

     Read and write the following sentence   :

    The chimp sings and jumps up and down

    Milk is good for teeth and gums

    The belt is on tight.
  • Daily guided reading (20 mins)

Writing: Monday/Tuesday/Friday

Wednesday and Thursday

Design your own treasure map and label the different things found on your island (see attachment)

Maths: Monday/Tuesday/Friday

  • What can you find at home to measure length and height? Find some cubes, lego blocks or blocks to measure the height of something(like a tin can) or the length of something (like bottom of a book or a pencil) How many cubes long is your item? Make a chart of what your are measuring by drawing the items and the number of blocks they have measured up to.
  • Practise halving on the attached pirate sheet.
  • Check daily lessons on whiterose for   06/07/20

Wednesday and Thursday

Weight:  Encourage children to make comparisons by using their hands as human scales. Prompt children to use language such as, heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter and lightest. 

  • Practise by using your hands as scales with various objects. Which feels heavier? Which feels lighter?
  • Keep a record of items and compare two objects. Which one do you estimate is heavier or lighter. Then test your theory on the scales.

Topic: Monday/Tuesday/Friday

Our topic this week is all about Pirates. We will be learning all about the facts about pirates and will be looking at maps and how to navigate around a treasure island.


Read PPT on 'All about Pirates' Think and discuss the different uses of maps. What did the pirates use their maps for?

After you have designed your treasure map go on a treasure hunt and see if you can find things around the house or garden.


Week Beginning: 29/6/20

Fine Motor suggestions:

  • Can you make a fish decoration using thread and fish cut out of card?
  • Can you decorate a sea animal with sequins and pieces of foil?

Physical activities:


Monday, Tuesday Friday

  •  Review all of the phase 2 and 3 sounds. ( see PPT attached)
  • Practise reading the following 2 syllable words. Clap the sounds out and segment before blending the whole word.

j-a-ck-e-t,  c-o-b-w-e-bb-s,  e-x-i-t,   p-oi-s-o-n,  l-i-qu-i-d, e-x-i-t

Book of the week: 'The Rainbow Fish

Points to discuss:

  • What makes the Rainbow fish so special?
  • How is he different from the other fish?
  • Why doesn't the Rainbow fish play with the other fish?
  • How does the Rainbow fish feel when the other fish don't want to play with him anymore?
  • How would you feel if you had no-one to play with?
  • What did the Rainbow fish do at the end of this story?
  • Can you think of something you have shared with your friend? How did sharing make you feel?

Additional Reading:

Sally and The Limpett by Simon James

A House for Hermitt by Eric Carle

Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle

Bright Stanley by Matt Buckingham

Clumsy Crab by Ruth Galloway


  • Review all tricky phase 2 and 3 words
  • Read the words bend, damp and tent. Segment and blend first 3 letters and then add 4th letter.
  • Practise set 1 of phase 4 words on Buried treasure
  • Read and draw the following questions.   Can a van go up a hill? Can a fox get wet? Can a rabbit yell at a man?
  • Practise independent reading with book reading level.(20 mins a day)




  • How many words can you write with 'igh' and  'or' ?
  • Write words with similar sounds to  coin and park
  • Write the scrambled sentence into the correct order.  went Sam up rocket in ship a.
  • Draw a picture of the rainbow fish with all of the colourful and shiny scales. Write down words to describe the Rainbow by labelling your picture. Think of some of the words used in the story.


  • Write 3 sentences with words:  night, fork and moon 
  • Think and then write down 3 questions you would want to ask the rainbow fish. Use How, why, where or what.

for example: How did your scales get so shiny? Why are you so sad? Why don't you want to share?



  • Practise daily Sumdog challenges
  • Check daily lessons on whiterose for   29/6/20
  • Continue  practising  math's sharing activities. Use pennies, toys, sweets, fruits to show how you share something equally. (see worksheet) If there is one left over? Is this an odd or even number?


  • Introduce length, height and distance. Use language for height: 'The tree is tall' or ' The pencil is short.'
  • Look at the pictures in the powerpoint to show height, length and distance .
  • Build towers with blocks,lego or dominoes to show height. Is this shorter than you or taller?
  • Practise length with your cars by lining them up. What else could you use? Which car can be pushed the furthest to show distance?
  • Show different lengths with string or ribbon. Sort into order from shortest to longest.
  • Complete worksheet on sea creatures and order from shortest to tallest.
  • Can you show comparisons in length by making snakes with playdough? 
  • Find your favourite toy and measure how many blocks long it is.



Our topic this week is 'Under The ocean'

We will be finding out lots of facts about some of the wonderful sea creatures and plant life found under the ocean. Please see following links about the ocean( in addition to reading)

Here are some options you can choose from to complete a fact file on Sea Creatures: 

  • Make a book with the Title ' Under The Sea' by.......Your name.  You could put together a book just about sharks, whales or shell fish... OR you could find out about different sea animals(such as clownfish,starfish,seahorses etc) Make sure you draw lots of colourful pictures or printed pictures! You can label your pictures, write 1 to 2 factual sentences about each one or write a caption. This project can be worked on over the next 2 weeks.

Design a beautiful sea collage using different materials. May be you want to include the Rain bow fish.


 OR design a Rainbow fish swimming with his friends.


  • Look at the PPT attached to find out facts about different sea animals. Choose from the following sea animals that you would like to find out more information.(seahorse, dolphins, crabs, starfish, whales, octopus) You can draw or print a picture of a sea animal and write 3-5 questions. Example: What do you eat? Where do you live? Why do you have a shell? How do you breathe?
  • Design your own sea creature on purple mash paint and draw. 



  • Can you find out what things float or sink. Try in the bath or use a bowl of water. Test a list of items (plastic toy, stone, rubber, string). Write down the list of items under the title Float or Sink.

Week Beginning : 22/6/20

Gross Motor Activities:

Fine Motor:

  • Try practising finger gym with some  playdough. Follow link to Dough Songs.
  • Try making a chain with paperclips.
  • Make a pizza ( see above attachment)
  • Can you create a maze/puzzle with a treasure chest at the end of it.



Monday, Tuesday Friday

Read and draw:

 Mark and Carl got wet in the rain.

Jill has fair hair but Jack has dark hair.

Bow down to the king and queen.After reading sentences, circle all the diagraphs/triagraphs  you see in one colour and capital letters in another colour. You can copy and write down the sentences before you draw a picture. (must read them independently first)

  • Practise reading bug club books daily or books at home(at least 20 mins with a grown up)
  • Practise reading the following two syllable words with er, hammer, letter, ladder, supper, dinner, better, summer, farmer, shorter
  • Continue to practise er words for segmenting and blending on Buried Treasure/phonics play

 Book of the week: The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch by Rhonda and David Armitage

  The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch


    Points of discussion:

    • What was Mr Grinling's pet called?
    • Can you name some of the items Mrs Grinling pack in his lunch.
    • What did Mr Grinling hear at night when he was sleeping?
    • What plan worked in the end? What would you do to scare the seagulls away?

    Additional Reading:

    Winnie and Wilbur at the Seaside’ by Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul
    ‘The Singing Mermaid’ by Julia Donaldson
    ‘Toddle Waddle’ by Julia Donaldson
    ‘What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside’ by Julia Donaldson

    ‘The Pirates of Scurvy Sands’ by Jonny Duddle

    Wednesday and Thursday:

    • Continue to practising phase 2 and 3 sounds (Nursery phase 2 tricky sounds and phase 2 sets)
    • Read the following two syllable words (with a grown up). Clap the two beats as you say each word.


    • Read each word again by segmenting first and then try to blend the word. see below.

    ch-i-ck-e-n/ b-oa-t-m-a-n/ r-oo-f-t-o-p/ f-ar-m-y-ar-d/ b-e-d-r-oo-m

    • Practsie 2 syllable word games on buried treasure/phonics play
    • Read the following questions. Pay attention to the two syllable words. Clap them out and sound them out.

    Can you cook in a bedroom?  Can a chicken sit on a chair?   can a farmer keep a duck?

    • Read and draw the following sentences:  The goat has horns that curl.  The pig has mud on his back. Put the chickens in the shed. 



    • Can you write 3 simple sentences with the words,  letter, dinner, summer
    • Write the rhyming words on the Seaside sheet. (see attachment above)
    • Label the seaside activities. (see attachment)
    • How many words can you write with short 'oo'  (ie, book, look) Check with Geraldine after you have written the words.

    Wednesday and Thursday:

    • Write some words that sound the same as    shell, sea, fish, sat
    • Read and write the following scrambled sentence:  picked shell I up a big.    fish red  see I a swim.
    • Before writing your own poetry follow this link to various poems from well known children's writers.
    • Think about your 5 senses when visiting the seaside. Listen to the following clip on seaside sounds. Write down words to describe each of the senses. (ie, smell- salty water/ hear noisy seagulls, see- children playing)
    • After gathering a mind map of ideas write down the words onto the attachment on seaside poetry.
    • Write a list of things you would need if you were going to the seaside for the day. Or draw pictures of what you would take and try to label them.



    • Practise daily Sumdog challenges
    • Check daily lessons on whiterose for 22/6/20
    • Look at different coins and their different sizes. Think about what money is used for.
    • Look at coin worksheet to identify their values.
    • Practise counting pennies into a jar or money box. How many did you count? How much money do you have?

    Wednesday/Thursday : Odds and Evens

    • The children begin to understand that quantities which can be shared into 2 equal groups with no items left over are even.Those who have one left over when they are shared are odd. 
    • Show odd and even numbers with objects, counters on a tens frame.
    • Watch numberblocks series 2 Ep 11/ odds and evens.
    • Take a handful of cubes and count them by placing them into pairs first. Is there an odd or even number?
    • See attached worksheet with numicon shapes and sort into odds and evens.



    Our topic over the next few weeks will be focused on seaside activities and under the ocean.


    • Write a shopping list of food items you need to buy to make your favourite sandwich.
    • Mr Grinling has to work in all weathers. Can you draw items of clothing needed for a rainy day.
    • Draw a picture of a lighthouse with stripes. Show a repeating pattern with either 2 or 3 colours.
    • Help or watch someone at home when they are making lunch. Discuss kitchen safety.
    • Hamish the cat felt scared when he had to go in the basket. What could you do to make him feel better.(PSHE)
    • Watch clip on Lighthouse days
    • What have you learned about lighthouses? Why are they important?
    • Can you invent a device to stop seagulls from stealing your lunch? (D&T)
    • Design a map to find the buried treasure.Don't forget to draw trees, caves, volcano and other fun things on the map.

    Wednesday and Thursday:

    • Look at the PPT on seasides from the past and present. Can you spot the differences. Watch this account on seasides from the past.
    • Look at a world map and find a country you have visited.
    • Make a sea picture scene with different textures onto a paper plate.


    Science Ideas:

    You could try this experiment with ice cubes. Choose 4 places
    to put them such as outside, in the fridge, in warm water and in the kitchen
    put each ice cube in its own bowl. What do you think will happen to the ice?
    Which do you think will melt first? Leave them for 5 minutes then check and
    see if they have changed? Keep checking to see what happens.




    Week Beginning: 15/6/20

    Gross Motor Activities:

    Fine Motor:

    • Thread pipe cleaners into a colander.
    • Wrap wool around a piece of cardboard shaped as a heart, square or oval.
    • Cut up some playdough into strips or shapes with small scissors.
    • Pick up something small like pom poms, cotton balls, beads with tweezers and place them one by one into a plastic bottle.


    Reading:  Monday and Tuesday

    We have been assessing the children this past week on their phase 3 sounds. This has included reading words and writing. We want to ensure they master the phase 3 sounds and words before moving on to phase 4.  We will go over sounds that need a little more practise.

    • Practise segmenting and blending words with sounds, ch, sh, th, ng  ' I can spot ' found on the Comics play link  at the top of this page. Both Nursery and Reception can continue to recap phase 2 sounds on Comics Play.
    • Read and draw.  The wet fish is in the shop.   I see a ring on the thick rug.
    • Daily practise reading phase 2, 3 sounds from the word mats.
    • Practise reading phase 2 and 3 tricky words. (Nursery children can practise phase 2 sounds and phase 2 Jolly phonics )
    • Practise reading words with ch and sh on the Buried treasure game   https://new.phonics


    Book of the week:  Giraffe's  Can't Dance by  Giles Andrea

    Points of discussion:

    • Find the rhyming words in the story. 
    • The first page includes a number of words used to describe a giraffe. Can you think of any more?
    • Retell the story from Gerald's point of view.
    • 'Warthogs' and 'walzing' are examples of alliteration. Can you think of other alliterative phrases that feature an animal doing something unusual, e.g. 'koalas doing karate, hopping hedgehogs).
    • When the cricket plays his violin, Gerald starts 'shuffling', 'swaying' and 'swishing'. Can you think of other words that might describe how he moves?

    Suggested reading:

    Why Elephant has a Trunk-  by  Claudia Lloyd and Edward LLoyd  

    The Mixed Up Chameleon- by Eric Carle

    Elmer's Walk- by David McKee

    A Children's Book of African Animals (non-fiction)

    Wednesday and Thursday:

    • Practise reading phase 3 tricky words
    • Read bug club assigned books or class books daily (Guided reading)
    • Practise words beginning with th and ng on Obb and Bob game/ phonics play.
    • Read and draw: The thin cat sat on the mat. Max sings to his brown bear.


    Maths:  Monday, Tuesdays, Fridays

    • Practise daily Sumdog challenges
    • Check the white Rose website for the daily lessons week beginning 15/6
    • Make a shopping list of items that might be needed for the Jungle Dance. How many of each item might be needed? How much would it all cost?

     Wednesday and Thursday: Halving

    The children will halve quantities by sharing items into 2 equal groups. The children will probably already have some experience of sharing and will be quick to point out when groups are not shared fairly. This distinction between fair and unfair sharing can be used to emphasise the idea of half as being one 2 equal parts.

    • Use bears, counters, dolls, conkers etc place 4 in a bowl and 6 in the other bowl. Is it fair. Show equal amounts to make it fair.
    • Go through PPT on halving.
    • Complete worksheets on halving.

    Writing: Monday and Tuesday

    • Practise writing words with ch and sh
    • Play buried treasure on phonics play to practise segmenting and blending.
    • Write the scrambled sentence in to the correct order:    see I a shed the in chick 


    • Practise writing words with th and ng
    • Practise segmenting and blending words beginning with 'th' and 'ng' with Obb and Bob on Phonics Play.


    • Discuss different ways you could cheer Gerald up. Then perform some of the actions before writing.
    • Write a sentence starting with.. What would I do to cheer Gerald up? I would….( example I would sing a silly song)


    Our topic this week is based on travel and animals from Africa. We will be making our role play area into a travel agents to encourage children to write and learn about different types of travel and looking at maps.

    • Look at a world map to see where Africa is located. Compare the distance and size to the United Kingdom.
    • Think about how you would travel to Africa. How would you travel to London? How would you travel to school?
    • Watch clip on African animals  . Name the different animals that live in Africa. What is your favourite and why?
    • Find or draw a picture of your favourite African animal and find out what they eat, what they look like.
    • What kinds of patterns do you see on some animals? (spots etc) Draw an outline of an animal . Design your own pattern for your animal. 
    • Using lego, blocks, building materials, cardboard boxes to create your own airport or car park. 
    • Listen to some African music  What instruments do you think are being used? Find out some more about African instruments. You could produce your own musical instruments or music.
    • Make a Giraffes Can't Dance shaker. See template instructions.


    • Watch clip on chameleons How many colours did you see? Discuss why they change colour.
    • Painting Activity?: explore how to do shading with colours. Explain how we can make a colour lighter or darker by mixing with black or white paint. On a chameleon template paint 3 shades of one colour to show the variation in shade.
    • Make a poster inviting animals to the jungle dance. Use aliteration to attract attention.( ie, Come to our Jolly, Jungle, Jingle) Apply big bold letters and lots of colour. Listen to  ' The Lion Sleeps Tonight' and enjoy a jungle dance get-to-gether. Which animal are you going to be?



    • The animals think that Gerald can't dance. Sometimes people say 'there is no such word as can't'. What does this mean?
    • How might Gerald feel when the other animals are laughing and waiting for him to dance? How should they behave instead?
    • Discuss what the difference is between laughing at someone and laughing with someone.


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    Week Beginning: 8/6/20

     Some of the activities for this week will be split into days to help plan for the children attending school on Wednesdays and Thursdays.


    Gross Motor Skills:

    Fine Motor Skills:

    • Write your name on a piece of paper in large letters and decorate with stickers, cut up pieces of coloured paper, foam, cotton wool, beads, sequins etc. You could make it into a door hanger or sign for your bedroom door.
    • Draw a doughnut and put some sprinkles on it with cut up pipe cleaners or some glitter. 
    • Close your eyes and scribble on a piece of paper. Open your eyes and colour the scribble in different colours to make a pattern.


    Reading: Monday and Tuesday

    • Practise segmenting and blending words with sounds, air, ure, er  ' The Haircut ' found on the Comics play link  at the top of this page. Both Nursery and Reception can continue to recap phase 2 sounds on Comics Play.
    • Read and draw A pure bar of soap is on top of the sink.   The red coat is on the chair.
    • Practise reading phase 2, 3 sounds from the word mats.
    • Practise reading phase 2 and 3 tricky words. (Nursery children can practise phase 2 sounds and phase 2 Jolly phonics )
    • Practise word blending on the game' Pick a Picture'

    Wednesday:  Practice segmenting and blending each of the following words

     f-o-x- fox
     sh-o-p- shop
    .v-a-n- van
     r-i-ng- ring
     t-ai-l- tail
    .m-oo-n- moon
     r-oa-d- road
     l-igh-t- light
     p-ar-k- park
     c-oi-n- coin

    Thursday: Practice segmenting and blending each of the following words.
    rich- r-i-ch
     ship- sh-i-p
     teeth- t-ee-th
     zip- z-i-p

    Book of the week: (Monday and Tuesday)

    Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravitt


    Points of discussion:

    • What is the weather like where Sunny lives ?
    • In what part of the world do you think Sunny lives?
    • Why does Sunny want to live somewhere else?How would you feel about leaving your home to live somewhere else?
    • What would you say to Sunny to persuade him to stay?

    Writing: (Monday and Tuesday)

    • Write a simple sentence with 4 of the words from the list in pink. (example: I see a red  fox.)

    Wednesday and Thursday:

    .Maths: ( Monday, Tuesdays, fridays)

    • Practise daily Sumdog challenges
    • Check the the white Rose website for the daily lessons week beginning 8/6
    • Sunny thinks that his home is too hot. Can you find out the current temperature where you live? How would you describe this?
    • What are the highest and lowest temperatures of your local area at different times of the year? (summer and winter?)
    • Create a timeline that shows the main events of the story.  ( 1.  Sunny leaving 2. places he visits  3. Coming home)

    Wednesday/ Thursdays- Doubling numbers

    The children will learn that double means twice as many.

    • Practise seeing doubles on the 10 squares. Count out 5 and then 5 in a different coloured counter to show the pair-wise pattern.
    • Practise looking in a mirror to show double.
    • Encourage the children to say double 2 is 4 , double 3 is 6 etc. (with a visual aid)
    • Explore different ways to build doubles using different objects, such as blocks, cubes, counters, pebbles etc.
    • Complete worksheet on doubles. (See above)
    • Practise finding doubles with a set of dominoes. Spot the doubles as you play.


    What does this book teach you about meerkats? Find 4 facts about Meerkats. Draw a picture to illustrate your findings. You can write a short caption or sentence to report your facts.


    Follow the steps on this link on how to draw a Meerkat



    The meerkats are told to stay together. What are the benefits of working together? Do you prefer to work independently or with others? Why?





    Hello and welcome back to Summer term 2. I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful weather and had lots of fun during your break.  Rainbow Smiley Faces | Rainbow Smiley Face Pocket Mirror Happy ...

    This week we will be focusing on our well being, self-care and( transition for children returning to school).

    I have seen some fantastic work over the last few weeks. Keep going, you are doing a fabulous job!!

    Week Beginning:  1/6/20

    Gross Motor Activities ( suggestions)

    • Use flash cards or a piece of paper with 8-10 different phase 3 tricky words words(ie, the, me, my, she, he etc ) Then place the cards into a large hoop. Toss a bean bag or screwed up ball of paper. When it lands onto a word, say the word.
    • Make an obstacle course in your garden using hoops, rope, balls, blanket/sheet( to crawl under). If you don't have an outside area can you design  a course for one of your toys ?(using, blocks, bridges, slides etc) Practise positional language to explain under, over, behind, in front of etc.
    • Practise cosmic yoga, brain breaks, Deep Sea Core Strength

    Fine Motor Activities (suggestions)

    • Cut up some strips of foil and practise screwing up into little balls( to help with strengthening)
    • Thread a piece of string or wool with either cheerios, beads or pasta. Make a pretty necklace.
    • Practice putting paperclips onto card or thick paper.C
    • Make a colourful jar or bottle by placing colorful, beads, pom poms, buttons or cut up paper(using your fingers)



    • Practise segmenting and blending words with sounds, ur, ow, oi  ' Cow and Owl Town ' found on the Comics play link  at the top of this page. Both Nursery and Reception can continue to recap phase 2 sounds on Comics Play.
    • Play Buried Treasure (on the phonics play link) and practise the following sounds, ow,oi,ear

    Book of the Week: The Colour Monster by Anna LLenas

    Watch the clip and answer the quiz questions at the end of the story


    • How many words can you write with the diagraphs, ur, ow and oi(ie, pure, cow, foil) ? Check sounds with Geraldine.
    • Write a simple sentence with words consisting of sounds, ow and oi. For example: I see a cow in the road. The coin is in the sink. Write and then draw a picture.
    • Practise reading and writing tricky words (phase 3 from your sound mats). Watch this first


    • Make a teen number with blocks, cubes or boxes. If you make 14 and take one away. How many left? If you make 14 and add one more how many? Can you make 20 and show one more or one less?  Practise counting forwards and backwards numbers 1-20 or 20-1.

    Topic: Well Being

    • After reading and discussing the story ' The colour Monster' design your own monster( using either paint, collage materials or crayons) Choose and colour your design and then draw a speech bubble with your monster describing how he feels in that colour. You may want to choose mixed colours if you want. (For example: I feel confused). 
    • Discuss how you feel sometimes. What makes you happy, sad, scared or angry?
    • Find some jars, bowls or bottles and look for odds and ends of a particular colour. For example place red wool,red buttons, paper, blocks, cubes, crayons into one jar. Do the same with yellow or blue into another container.
    • What kinds of things cheer you up when you feel sad?  What helps you feel better if you are scared?


    • Discuss some of the things we should do to prevent us from getting sick. Watch the clip on hand washing. Talk with your grown up about the times in the day we need to wash our hands?
    • Watch the superhero  explain about the Corona Virus . 
    • What can you do to stay safe and healthy? Draw a picture of a superhero and write a list of 3 ways you can stay safe and healthy.

    Additional reading on Well Being

    Yoga Babies by Fearne Cotton and Sheena Dempsey

    Breathe and Be ( a book of mindfulness poems) by Kate Coombs and Anna Emilia Laitinen


    How does music make you feel? Think of different songs/styles of music that make you happy, sad, angry etc. Listen to the following pieces of music with corresponding colours. Describe how you feel as you listen to each piece.


    Purple Mash: Go on to the paint and draw section. Draw a fabulous monster with different colours or one colour to show how he or she is feeling.

    Expressive Arts: Find some empty egg boxes, recyclable items and make a monster. Paint the finished project and put him on display. ( take as long as you want to do this) 


    Week Beginning: 18/5/20



    • Check bug club activities for this weeks sounds and phonics assessment.
    • Practise segmenting and blending words with sounds, oo, ar, or  ' Moon,farm Park ' found on the Comics play link  at the top of this page. Both Nursery and Reception can continue to recap phase 2 sounds on Comics Play.
    • Play Buried Treasure (on the phonics play link) and practise the following sounds, ar,or,ur
    • Practise phase 2 and 3 tricky words. Remember they can be learned by sight only as opposed to sounding out.
    • Book of the week:  Owl Babies by Martin Waddel
    • Questions:
    • What were the names of the Owl babies?
    • Where did they live?
    • How do the owl babies feel when their mother comes home?
    • How do you think they felt when they discovered their mother was gone. Think of some words to describe how they felt.


    • Continue to practise alphabet letters both uppercase and lowercase.
    • Write a list of words with short oo and long oo. Check Geraldine's short oo sound for correct pronunciation. 
    • Make your name with things around the house or outside such as, twigs, leaves, pebbles, pasta, buttons etc. Don't forget first letter is a capital.


    • Practise counting to 20. Using the 10s frames x2. Find objects to show numbers up to 20. For example: Place 10 counters on one frame and then 3 on the other to show 13. Keep adding more until you get to 20.
    • Practise counting backwards from 10 first and then 20
    • Use the attachment to practise recognising numbers and circle the correct one.
    • Where do you see numbers in every day signs around the home and outside? (Take a picture if you want of numbers you see in our environment)
    • Check Sumdog for challenges on 20.


    Our topic this week is based on birds. Talk to your grown up about what you already know about birds. How many different species of birds can you hear outside ? We will find out this week about common garden birds as shown in the following pictures of a Blackbird, Magpie and a Robin.                            

    Blackbird Fact File - British Garden Wild Bird - PeckamixEurasian Magpie: A True Bird Brain | BritannicaEuropean robin guide: diet, habitat and species facts - Discover ...

    What is the name of this garden bird?   

    What does it look like? (example, black with an orange beak)

    Where do they live?

    What do they eat?

    When are their young born?

    You can add other facts if you want to find out more or write about more than one bird.


    Can you make a Bird feeder ?

    There are different ways to make a bird feeder. Can you make one for your garden birds? An attachment with basic instructions on how to make one are included. ( Please do NOT use this one if you have a nut allergy as it involves peanut butter)



    Well done for sending in some fantastic pictures of your work. Again I have seen lots of handwriting practise, number work and some good sentence writing this week. I have seen pictures of children cooking, gardening and doing lots of exercise.  Learners of the week are awarded to: Joel, James B, Freya, Parker, Isabelle and Charlie. I also want to say a special Happy 5th Birthday to Freya this week!

    Week Beginning: 11/5/20

    Fine Motor Skills: (suggestions)

    • Thread pasta shapes  with wool, thread or ribbon and make a necklace.
    • Cut around a piece of sugar paper to make a fringe.
    • Place clothes pegs around a piece of cardboard.
    • Balance marbles onto duplo or lego buildings

    Gross Motor Skills: (suggestions)

    • Make a mini obstacle course with cones or bean bags  and guide a ball in and out of your mini course.
    • Use a bat and weave a ball in and out of your mini course.
    • Make a monster or alien mouth. Screw up bits of paper and make into balls.  Step back a few feet and throw into the monster's mouth. How many did you miss and how many did the monster eat?


    • Check bug club activities for this weeks sounds ( both Nursery and Reception)
    • Practise segmenting and blending words with sounds,ai, ee, igh,  oa on the ' Let's go ' found on the Comics play link  at the top of this page. 
    • Play Buried Treasure (on the phonics play link) and practise  the following sounds, oo(long), oo(short), ar, or
    • Practise saying the alphabet (letter names) and look at the upper case and lower case letters for each letter.
    • Watch the Ruby class favourite vegetable song  (ABC)

    Book of the week:   Each,Peach, Pear, Plum,  by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

    Watch the following or read the book if you have it at home: 

    Discuss and answer the following:

    • Can you hear and spot certain words that sound the same? ( example , Jack and Jill in the ditch, I spy the wicked witch)
    • What does Mother Hubbard like? What does Cinderella like? What does baby bear like?
    • How did the bears help baby bunting?
    • What type of pie was made at the end of this story?


    I have seen some really good handwriting practise and lots of improvement. In order to keep practising letter formation. Practise  a letter from the start of the alphabet. Write the capital letter A and lower case a on one page. ( one line of A and one line of a)

    • Continue to write your name on every piece of work. Make sure you write a capital letter for the beginning of your name
    • Write a diary of something interesting you are doing on each day of the week. Example: On Monday I went for a long walk. Keep in mind when you write  each day of the week that it begins with a capital letter. Draw a picture for each day to show what you are doing. ( date all of your work pieces)
    • From the story Each, Peach, Pear, Plum. Make a colourful poster of a favourite character from the story. Underneath the poster write a sentence about the character. Example:  Cinderella is walking up the stairs. 
    • Write as many words as you can with long oo (ie, moon)

    Maths: ( adding and taking away)

    • Make some stairs with lego or cubes to show one more ( count as you add a new brick)
    • Using the same principle as last week. Use the 10 squares (as the bus) but this time start off with 8 or 10 people and  allow 2 or 3 people to get off. How many are left? Challenge: You can write out each action by saying First there were 8 and then there were 6. 
    • Practise counting back from 10. If this is too difficult at first practise from 5.  Use objects or numbers to help.
    • Practise song to help learn taking one away. 


    We will continue to look at food and healthy eating this week.

    Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals.

    • Think about some of the foods you are eating this week for lunch or dinner. What foods help you grow healthy and strong?
    • Think about foods we should have less amounts of because they don't give us the nutrition we need?
    • Make a list of healthy food and unhealthy foods. You can draw a picture of each item and label. You can make it into a book if you wish.

    Cut and place healthy food items into the lunch box. What would you consider to be a healthy lunch? ( see template) 

    Science Experiment: ( suggestion)

    • With the help of your grown-up, cut a vegetable and place it in a sunny spot to grow.
    • Check your vegetables every day.
    • Can you see any new growth?
    • What is growing - the shoots, leaves or roots?

    Week Beginning: 4/5/20

    Fine Motor Skills: (suggestions)

    • Practice picking up peas with tweezers and putting them in a bowl or making green jelly with frozen peas inside. How can you retrieve the peas without using your fingers. What tools could you use?
    • Draw and cut out your favourite vegetables.
    • scoop cotton balls with a spoon into egg boxes.

    Fine Motor Skills: (suggestions)


    • Check bug club activities for this weeks sounds ( both Nursery and Reception)
    • Practise segmenting and blending words with sounds, ch, sh, th and ng  on the ' I can spot game ' found on the Comics play link  at the top of this page. 
    • Play Buried Treasure (on the phonics play link) and practise  the following sounds, ai, ee, igh, oa
    • Practise  saying the sound er.  Read the words  hammer , box er,  rubber,   river (clap the two syllable word first and then segment and blend each word for reading)

    Book of the week: Supertato by Sue hendra and Paul Linnet

    Watch on  or the book if you have this at home.

    Points of discussion:

    • What did the Evil Pea use to try and catch Supertato ?
    • Why do you think Supertato is a Superhero ?;
    • How did he trap the Evil Pea in the end?


    • How many words can you write this week with the sounds, ai, ee, igh and oa? ( examples, pain, feet, high, road) Practise one per day and check to see how many you have written against Geraldine.
    • After reading the Supertato story this week, design a poster of Supertato and write a caption from the story at the bottom of the poster. You can make your own up. (example, I know who's behind this! or  There's a pea on the loose, I will find the evil pea, I will save you)
    • Make sure you remember to always write your name on your work. 
    • Extension Activity: Design a superhero from another vegetable or fruit and give it a name and a super power. (example, Penelope the Pineapple who can fly super high and fast)


    Adding More

    • Play the game. I count , you count. Begin by counting as you point to yourself and point to your grownup to continue the counting. example: 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 7,8   or  123, 4,5,6,  7,8,9 etc.
    • Show me 5 fingers, now show me 2 more. How many fingers now? 
    • Practise using words, First, then and now. Create a story of people getting on the bus using a tens frame and counters,( see template) exampleFirst there were 2 people on the bus, then 2 more people got on the bus. Now there are 4 people on the bus.
    • Watch the story Mr Grumpy's Outing by John Burningham. 
    • After reading the story, build your own boat with cardboard and recycling items around your home. Create your own story and characters. Count how many climb aboard, using the language, first, then and now.
    • Make a track race . Roll the dice and practise counting on until you get to 10 or 20. ( or play a board game, if you have one that involves adding more)


    • Our topic for the next two weeks is going to be about fruits and vegetables and healthy eating. We will be looking at the differences of fruits and vegetables and the different foods that help us stay strong and healthy.
    • (clip to show differences)
    • Can you sort the differences between fruits and vegetables? ( see template) One contains seeds and the other contains leaves stems and roots.
    • Cut up some fruit with a grown up or make a fruit salad. What do you see when you cut an apple or banana in halve?

    Expressive Arts and Design:

    Guiseppe Arcimboldo  

    Giuseppe Arcimboldo is well known today for painting portraits of people made out of different types of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. He would pick food that had a connection to whatever he was painting. For example, when creating a picture of Autumn he used fruits and vegetables that grew in Autumn.

    Create your own portrait using fruits and vegetables ( and leaves or sticks from outside) or paint a picture with different fruits and vegetables. Think about what you could use as a nose, eyes and mouth. ( take a picture when finished)



    Week Beginning: 27/4/20

    Fine Motor Skills (suggestions)

    • Practise threading leaves (if you have access to thick plastic needles)
    • Try some leaf rubbing with crayons and white paper.
    • Wash your toys(ie farm animals|) with soapy water and an old tooth brush
    • Make a Mr Potato head with real vegetables ( transient art)
    • Continue to practise cutting skills. (pay attention to shapes, curves and straight lines)

    Gross Motor Skills (suggestions)

    • Tune into daily workout with Joe Wicks
    • Practise throwing and catching a ball
    • Practise throwing bean bags into a hoop ( use other items if you don't have these resources)
    • Try some cosmic yoga (youtube)


    • Check bug club activities for this weeks sounds ( both Nursery and Reception)
    • Practise segmenting and blending words with sounds, ch, sh, th, ng and ai on Buried Treasure game found on the Phonics play link. (Practise one per day and don't forget some words may be soft 'th' applied to tricky words)
    • Read and draw following sentences and circle the diagraph you spot in each sentence. (use sound mats. Independent work)

    The chick is on top of the shed.

    Is the ring in the sink?

    I see a goat in a red coat.

    Book of the week: The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

    Points of discussion:

    • What are some things that happen in Autumn?
    • What happens to some of the seeds in Autumn that keep it from growing?
    • What are some things that happen during the Winter?
    • Why is the mouse interested in the seeds?
    • What happens during the Spring?
    • Name some different parts of a plant.


    • Practise writing numbers 1-10. You can practise one number per day on one page. Practise writing the number in the air before writing.

    How many words can you write with the sounds, ch, sh, th and ng and ai. (one set per day and check to see if you got more than Geraldine the Giraffe)


    • Check Sumdog for weekly challenges
    • Use pattern sheets  I have uploaded. Start with easy AB patterns and go on to more complex if you can. Practise with objects first and say the pattern out loud. If you do not have access to a printer, make your own patterns on plain paper. ( using the worksheets as a guide above)
    • Look at a clock in your home and count the numbers from 1-12.
    • Create a time-line activity on a sheet of paper by drawing a picture of an activity you do in the morning, afternoon and evening. At the top of each section write: example... In the morning I brush my teeth. , In the afternoon,I go for a walk. In the evening I get ready for bed.


    • Show comparisons and similarities between living things by firstly drawing or taking a picture of a plant and  labelling the things a plant needs in order to grow. Then draw a picture of yourself and label the things you need to help you grow strong and healthy.
    • Using the template cut and place in order the life cycle of a plant or flower.
    • If you have any seeds, pots or soil, try planting and caring for a seed. Keep a journal of the changes you see.

    Please save any work you do or send and attach to my e-mail. I would like to continue to file some pieces into the Learning Journals.


     complex patterns with shapes.pdfDownload
    Showing 1-1 of 1







    Hi Ruby Class,

    I am really proud of your handwriting work. Thank-you for sending in pictures. I have seen some fantastic letter formation and pleased to see you are taking your time.

    Next set of letters for daily writing are:

    Set 4: ck, e, u, r
    Set 5: h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss

    The diagraph (two letters) do not need to be joined.




    Ideas For Learning - Week 2


    Sorting objects according size - Key words:  longest, shortest, longer and shorter.

    Make repeating patterns using objects.

    Find out the birthday month of people in your family.

    Practise number bonds to 10/20.

    Play shops with real money


    Write a shopping list.

    Sing the alphabet song

    Practise writing the names of people in  your family.

    Play I spy.


    Hide an object and make a treasure map to find it.

    Help prepare lunch or dinner.

    Draw or paint your favourite animal.

    Make your own bubbles.

    Investigate and find out whether your bath toys float or sink.

    Keep sending your amazing work and pictures to my e-mail. I have really enjoyed looking at your beautiful flower paintings.Keep your work in a folder or send it to me if you can so I can use it for your learning journals.

    WB : 27/4/20

    I want to congratulate the following children for sending in so much work this week, including math patterns, handwriting, pictures of flowers and all sorts of activities you have been enjoying at home.  Learners of the week are: Freya, Jake, Teddy, James B, Parker and Joel

    Well done to the following children for moving up to the next book band:

    Joel, Lola, Lawson,Isabelle,Mia,Ella,Freya and George


    Ms Parsons